Android Oreo Beta for Nokia 5 & 6 coming “very soon” (it was “soon” before)

HMD’s very communicative CPO Juho Sarvikas stated via Twitter (in a reply to a question about Beta Labs for Nokia 5 and 6), that the Beta Labs program for Nokia 5 and Nokia 6, in which the Devices will be able to download Android Oreo beta, will start “very soon”. To Quote him completely, Juho said: “re beta labs, 2 weeks ago it was “soon” – now it is “very soon”.


We all know that HMD employees (or employees of any other company) cannot give information about unreleased Products, and the same applies to big software update, because there is always a possibility of a fatal error in the software that could postpone the release, so it’s better to not say anything, then to give a date, and miss the timeline. Juho seems to be well aware that Companies (including HMD) often use “soon” to express time, so this time he was even more precise and gave us a “very soon”.

Thanks Farhan for the tip. 🙂