Nokia 2.2 Xpress-on covers listed on Nokia pages

Nokia 2.2 is the latest addition to the lineup of affordable Nokia smartphones. Unlike the previous model, Nokia 2.2 runs full Android 9 Pie OS, which is a nice feature for all the people that want to enter into the world of smartphones. Another thing I also like about Nokia 2.2 is the possibility to exchange the back cover, or the Xpress-on covers. This is a great feature since it gives you the possibility to refresh the looks of your phone by just exchanging the cover. The Xpress-on covers were brought to life with Nokia 1, and I don’t know why Nokia Mobile didn’t do the same with Nokia 1 Plus. Anyway, they are going to be available for Nokia 2.2, but the price and the exact availability date are still not known. The price of Nokia 1 covers is around €10, so the covers for Nokia 2.2 could cost a few Euros more.

While you can already find the covers listed on the official Nokia pages of many markets where Nokia phones are available, the option to buy them is still not available.
The Xpress-on covers for Nokia 2.2 are coming in Forest Green, Ice Blue, and Pink Sand color. All covers have a shiny finish. They are made of polycarbonate, and each cover weights 33g.

If you are planning on buying a Nokia 2.2, would you stay on the official color or go for one of the Xpress-on covers? Xpress-on covers