Nokia Mobile to donate Nokia phones to frontliners and COVID-19 patients

Nokia has always been known for its tagline “Connecting People”. Now that the whole world is suffering from COVID-19 pandemic, Nokia Mobile is reiterating this tagline.

While most of us stay at home for our safety, some people risk their lives in the frontline to save those that are suffering the cause of the new Coronovirus strain. Since these people need to be isolated from the rest of the world, they need a device that can still connect them with their families while fighting in the invisible war.

Nokia Mobile has promised to donate Nokia phones to the front liners, COVID-19 patients, and people in risk groups with underlying health conditions and the elderly for them not to face the “threat of disconnection and loneliness”.

“We are in the business of connecting people. So in a time when we must all stay away from each other, we see it as our responsibility to ensure that the people who are most vulnerable to the threat of COVID-19 do not have to also face the threat of disconnection and loneliness,” said Florian Seiche, CEO for HMD Global, in an open letter.

Nokia Mobile is already coordinating with its employees in the most impacted countries to get in touch with their local communities, and NGOs to asses problem areas and distribute the donations to those that are in need.

Thank you Nokia Mobile. May the force be with you.