BTs are nice. But when they run out of battery, you cry. IDK why Apple ditched that jack, just because it was hard to waterproof? Or because selling AirPods are another money machine?
Go take a survey and ask people what they want – Waterproofing or a jack?
]]>The case looks decent tho lol
]]>Probably at MWC they will announce Nokia 7 for Bharat.
]]>A pair of usb-c headphones should be bundled with the phone in the very least.
]]>I don’t like that. :/ Including BT headphones in the sales package could change some minds, though
]]>Yeah.. its not perfect. On The other hand, i dont actually see the point of releasing another phone with S835. But well.. 5 and 6 have the same specs and both phones have buyers..
]]>EricLovesSymbian says:
Please don’t take this the wrong way… I do not say this with animosity or anger. It’s just a statement.
Perhaps for me and you, the readers of this site and about ten to fifty thousand people, it may not matter.
Unfortunately, the tech sites, and the millions of others who want their “flagship phone” to be the best of the best, they will discredit this phone and buy another phone.
That’s why Huawei and OPPO and Xiaomi sell out and sell into the millions. Millions! Not thousands… But millions! Tens of millions…
They put in the fastest processors, the most cutting edge technology (available at the time) and constantly adapt. They are nimble and constantly modify and adjust their strategy.
Nokia cannot afford to be seen and recognized as the phone manufacturer that puts last year’s technology into this year’s phone.
True… The 835 is a powerhouse, but people in 2018 want the newest of the new.
The masses want to brag about their flagship phone … The LG V30 vs the LG G6 should be the prime factor as to why the 821 vs 835 sold so poorly (and also because Samsung highjacked all the 835′ s)
In about 6-8 weeks from 11/26/2017, Samsung will be unveiling the galaxy s9 (at the CES convention) and probably releasing it a month or two early (compared to usual).
So again, 835 is cool for me and you, and a thousands of others, but Nokia needs to and has to sell in the tens of millions! And pooping in an older soc won’t cut it!
Period! (I honestly hope someone with enough cranial capacity and foresight from Nokia reads these posts)