Nokia Mobile updates the official camera app with bugfixes

Nokia Mobile released a new update for the Nokia Camera app via the Google Play Store. The camera application comes preloaded on all Nokia smartphones and is one of the few apps the Finnish vendor ships with Nokia smartphones alongside the standard Google / Android suite of applications.

The new update started rolling out a few days ago, on May 12th according to the info from Play Store. The version is bumped to 96.9.0710.2, with “minor bug fix” and “Follow Google Play Policy to remove background location permission at this version” mentioned in the changelog. This bugfix is supposedly a fix for the crashing panorama mode on the Nokia 6.2 and Nokia 7.2.

You can find the Nokia Camera application in Google Play Store by clicking here.

If you notice anything new after the update, be free to leave a comment down below.

Thanks Vasilis K. for the tip. 🙂