6G networks will be commercially available around 2030
|Every ten or so years, networking companies like Nokia, Huawei, Ericsson and many other, push mobile networks one step further. When 5G was in the works, some were ridiculed for even mentioning 6G since many of us couldn’t even imagine what would 5G be bringing.
Actually, the biggest revolution for smartphone users was greater download speeds, which meant that classic broadband internet might become obsolete. However, the true revolution that 5G brought is mostly invisible to us and it revolves around cloud computing which high-speed networks are now enabling.
6G will bring all to an even higher level, and as Pekka Lundmark mentioned at the Davos Economic meeting, we will be connecting physical and virtual worlds. Lundmark also said that commercial 6G networks could be coming around 2030 and they will be offering an expansion of the industry to the metaverse.
According to Nokia’s prediction, there will be a copy of the physical world in the virtual one, and we will be able to control the world around us by plugging into the virtual world.
I can only perceive it as getting a virtual interface through some digital glasses which I’ll be able to use and control the devices around me. The 6G revolution looks to me mostly like the controls of the “La Sirena” spaceship in the latest Star Trek Picard series. This doesn’t mean that 6G will only revolutionize controls, Lundmark said that smartphones of today will definitely take another form, maybe a holographic one…

The shift to 6G will need better computational resources which means that quantum computing will probably become mainstream. 2030 might seem too far away, but, the future we are speaking of today is just around the corner. However, we still need to use the full potential of 5G, and in 8 years many things conceptualized today might change.