Google Play Store brings two new features
|Android devices, including Nokia, will soon receive two interesting features. These are new functions within the Play Store, which will make installing and uninstalling applications easier. The first one is a floating bubble that shows the progress of the installation process and is displayed above other applications.
You can move it all over the screen while the installation, which means that you will be able to use the other functions.
Another feature is the archiving applications. Namely, if you uninstalled an application and later wanted to use it again, you had to enter all the necessary data (password, username, and other settings) once again during the reinstallation.
After the archiving function arrives in the Play Store, you can archive the application after uninstallation, which means you free up the space on your device. After reinstallation, it will return to the state it was in when you deleted it. So, it will return your personal data and all settings as they were before the uninstallation.
The Play Store should get these two functions in the next few weeks.