Nokia will use its technologies to protect the Baltic Sea

The oceans are of great importance to the global ecosystem and our civilization. We usually think of the oceans as a vast space that can be used indefinitely, but instead, it is a fragile environment like any other if not used sustainably. The oceans play an essential role in reducing the amount of CO2 our civilization emits each year, and all I can say is that in every other breath you take, there is oxygen produced by photosynthetic marine organisms, most of which are microbial.

Modern civilization has driven ocean exploration to its limits, and now more than ever there is a need to protect them and, above all, to understand how the oceans work.

Nokia will also do its part to help scientists protect the ocean by providing some of its technical equipment and expertise in remote sensing of underwater cables, rapid connectivity of various sensors and other technologies. The Finns have agreed on a three-year partnership with the John Nurminen Foundation to protect the Baltic Sea.

This part of the marine environment has a problem with nutrient overload, which leads to eutrophication, lower oxygen levels and thus lower biodiversity. Since the most diverse ecosystems tend to be the richest, it is critical to maintain biodiversity in this area. By reducing nutrient inputs to the Baltic Sea, scientists can stop the dominance of opportunistic species that thrive in imbalanced environments, lower oxygen consumption, and help restore the marine environment.

Nokia will offer innovations such as acoustic sensor technology used in underwater fibre optic networks, remote environmental monitoring and faster connectivity. Nokia has been very committed to the environment throughout its long history. The Finns have always tried to reduce the impact of their products and technologies on the environment. Just recently there was a nice piece done by Kerwin showing how Nokia lowered power consumption by introducing new liquid cooling of its radios. The excess heat can later be used for heating offices and other spaces.

This kind of partnership will not only make Nokia a more sustainable business but make the company a beacon of the newly established circular economy which is trying to get something back to the environment it uses.


Nokia press