Video: Nokia once again has great concept for the future of connected devices
|Nokia Networks is working on something big, something that could easily be connecting all of its current businesses. Nokia’s official YouTube channel has been filled with new videos demonstrating how could near future low latency networks affect our daily life in urban centers. Installment and proper usage of 5G networks could finally bring the connection of existing digital, physical, and biological technologies, all with a purpose of increasing our efficiency and productivity.
These video examples you are seeing on Nokia’s YouTube channel might not be possible right away, but Nokia is probably capable of doing some of those things true. I really like the part where the medic was working on some scanning glass tech that I have previously seen in Star Trek (TNG, Voyager) series as an addition to their bio bed (yes, I’m a Trekkie).
With enough funding and with a little help from Bell Labs, Nokia might be able to make such a medical device. We saw Nokia Sleeve is a real thing, so this scanning glass machine could be prototyped in the next few years.
Here is a long video. More you can check on the Nokia YouTube channel.